What to Talk About on Speed Dating
26.4. 2013 - Speed Dating Tip
A good conversation is an art, that some people spend years learning and practicing. In a speed
dating you only have about four minutes to create a fun and enjoyable conversation and to make a good impression.
That is exactly what the focus of a speed dating session should be. Of course you want to
find out if you could be with the person for a long run, but it is best to keep the 'big question' about the ex's or
children for the subsequent dates. All you are really trying to figure out on the speed date
is whether the two of you have something in common and if you would be able to carry out a conversation that lasts
longer than four minutes.
Common rule is also to avoid talks about controversial topics like politics or religion. There is just not enough time on speed dating to have a debate about such topics and you do't want to spoil something right from the start. Instead try talking about current events; that may reveal much more about the person than asking about a favorite movie or color. Remember you are at the speed dating to have fun, meet new people and have a pleasant chit chat; everything else will spring out from that.

Don't forget that the non-verbal communication plays maybe even a bigger role in choosing next potential date than the verbal one. Sometimes it does not matter much how silly topic you will discuss, but it is important to start off with a smile. It will make the other person feel at ease and help you break the ice.
For some, conversation with complete strangers comes naturally and a small talk is their daily bread. However, if you don't belong to this group, it is best to prepare few questions to start with. Common questions at speed dating will always be about hobbies and a career, but it is good to be original, make the other person laugh, make him/her intrigued. Avoid questions that generate yes/no answers; those will not spark much of a conversation. Think of what you yourself are interested in and what interests you in others. You probably want to reveal something about the personality; great types of questions are those starting with "what would you do if...".
After your date responds, say something to acknowledge him/her, elaborate on the conversation, give your own opinion and share your own experience about given topic. People are usually interested in what they have to say, so try contributing to the given topic as best as you can. If you feel like switching to a different topic, do so casually and naturally. Be cautious of just shooting questions like on an interrogation without your own engagement, or the other extreme talking excessively about yourself and not showing enough interest in the other person.
The most important thing about speed dating events is to relax and enjoy meeting new people. After all, acquiring the small talk skill, practicing flirting and talking to opposite sex can come handy any time. So, start on with speed dating promptly.
There are numerous questions you could use at speed dating; here are just some of them to get
you started. But be prepared with your own answer if the tables turn around and you get the same question. However, don't try
to analyze the answers too intensely. Just make a mental note whether the conversation had flown freely and you had fun with
the person and leave the rest for later. Speed Dating Conversation Topics